ARTZ Philadelphia Spotlighted in Sarah Ralston Foundation Newsletter

ARTZ Philadelphia was recently featured in a “Non-Profit Partner Spotlight” in the Sarah Ralston Foundation’s July 2024 newsletter. The Sarah Ralston Foundation supports and enhances the quality of life of vulnerable and underserved older adults residing in Philadelphia County. Born from the Ralston Center, an organization with a long history, The Sarah Ralston Foundation seeks to continue that impact by using its resources to give grants and to serve as a community partner to organizations serving older adults in Philadelphia.

Read the spotlight below:

ARTZ Philadelphia is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and well-being of people living with dementia and their care partners through joyful interactions around arts and culture. Our evidence-based programs connect people with dementia and their loved ones to artists, cultural organizations, and each other, fostering supportive communities that restore and preserve self-esteem and dignity for all, regardless of background or resources.

We envision a world where people living with dementia and their care partners enjoy the same well-being and quality of life as others. Our commitment is to ensure equal access to resources that enhance quality of life, inspire creativity, and empower self-expression and self-realization.


Susan Shifrin, PhD, is the founder and director of ARTZ Philadelphia. An art historian, curator, educator, and arts accessibility advocate, Susan received her PhD in art history from Bryn Mawr College. Inspired by her experiences hosting programs for visitors with dementia at the Berman Museum of Art, Susan founded ARTZ Philadelphia to create transformative experiences through art. Her work has brought joy and connection to countless individuals, fostering expression, interaction, and plenty of laughter.

Current Needs

As dementia-related conditions rise, ARTZ Philadelphia is pushed beyond capacity to serve our community. To offer our free services to more people, we need to hire additional program facilitators and community liaisons in underserved Philadelphia neighborhoods. To achieve this, we need a robust, sustainable funding base and aim to hire our first development professional.

Success Story

In March at the Barnes Foundation, new participants Joanna and Paul joined us. While Joanna seemed distant at first, she soon engaged, repeating and affirming the discussion. Feeling overwhelmed, she took my hand, and we walked across the gallery. This simple act brought her peace. Joanna’s kiss on Paul’s head afterward showed the deep, quiet connection they shared. Moments like these embody what ARTZ Philadelphia strives to achieve.

To read about the grant ARTZ recently received from the Sarah Ralston Foundation: click here.