Carl Duzen
ARTZ Community Member
Carl fulfilled so many roles at ARTZ. He was a mentor, an educator, an advocate, and so much more. Throughout his experience of dementia, Carl was determined to live a life that was filled with meaning. His legacy is everywhere in the ARTZ Philadelphia community: in the love and affection he inspired in all of our program participants, both with and without dementia, through his wit, good naturedness and insights; in the health professions students whose lives he changed, gently but profoundly; and in all of us on staff, who were made better by every encounter with him. The lessons Carl taught us as his illness progressed helped us to develop and adapt our ARTZ in the Making program for people living with advanced stage dementia, providing a one-of-a-kind, person-centered creative outlet and validation for people who are too often overlooked. Our ARTZ Notes program was launched in Carl’s memory. Even though he is no longer with us, Carl is still enriching our community.